More about the life of Rebecca Lee Koborie...
- Rebecca sang at the funeral of the mother of Monica Lazor
- Rebecca inspired an actor she performed with at a converted steamboat called the Showboat Majestic. He was more committed to pursue acting because of her inspiration.
- Rebecca was remembered in poetry by fellow performer Dave Cremonese:
A soaring voice
The sound of piano beneath
I sat at that piano
As I played, I watched
And listened to you soar
As you showered all below
With the gift of a beautiful voice
Your spirit, your love
And every time I sit at the piano
I feel a bit of that love
That I felt so long ago
It's been so long, yet
I'll never forget you
God Bless and Keep you
And all that you left behind
We miss you - Rebecca "calmed the rough waves" working at Citibank with Marilyn Monte of Orlando, FL.
- Rebecca touched the life of Paulette Vandenbrande deeply.
- Rebecca's life was remembered in the planting of a Blue Spruce by John Lehmus and
Sue Wallingford of Kennebunk
(Stories compiled from tributes submitted at
If you knew Rebecca, or had some connection and would like to contact me with personal stories or anecdotes, please email me at I'd especially love to hear from family members and friends who can tell me more about her musical interests and history with music.

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