A dedication to a dear friend of mine.
Dear Rebecca,
I knew you for three years thats why when i found out about you it brought me to tears. You were a brief friend that i met through the doctors office. The last time i saw you i was actually drawing your blood the thursaday right before that tragedy occured on Tuesday September 11,2001. May God Bless you and keep you in his GLORY.
Love For Ever And For Always
Rachel Cepeda
I didnt know who you were but I wanted to send my prayers to your family and all the other familys who lost a love one. I joined the army sept 14th 2001 and I am sorry I could not do more but I tried, again we all will keep you in our memories forever
PFC Scott MacDougal
(My thanks to SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 VICTIMS)
If you knew Rebecca, or had some connection and would like to contact me with personal stories or anecdotes, please email me at lasthome@gmail.com. I'd especially love to hear from family members and friends who can tell me more about her musical interests and history with music.

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