Thursday, August 26, 2004


Ok, I got this idea from The New Jan Brady.

Use the new random "Next Blog" feature at the top of this page, or any regular Blogger site and write down several interesting quotes from the ones you jump to.

Links are optional - unless the site is so amazingly memorable, it might be fun just read the quotes on their own terms, and leave the blogs more or less anonymous.

Here we go:
  1. Internet Markting Seminar

    Internet Marketing Seminar

    Internet Marketing Seminar

    (This text and the below linked text is posted once every fifteen minutes for the page 6 days for a total of about 288 identical posts. The links are linked to another site. This is similar to what's known as Google-bombing. Look on it and scoff.)

  2. "I know I haven't said goodbye to most of the people i should've, but goodbyes are overrated if you ask me. Plus, they make me uncomfortable and i avoid them like the plague. They should consist of being drunkedy shoved into a cab at some ungodly hour of the morning - followed by a day of feeling so ill that you can't really think about anything except water and asprin."

  3. Tryckta gratistidningen Stockholm City, avdelning Näringsliv, publicerade en häpnadsväckande artikel (26/8) med rubriken: ”Stockholm har blivit hett – öppenheten och toleransen gör att vår tillväxt ökar mest i hela Sverige”. Artikelns kärnbudskap till intelligenta människor i Stockholm genom artikelförfattaren Jesper Pettersson är två:

    (I have no idea what it means but it sounds really dirty)

  4. im in love

    "yes as the title says im in love, with janessa,i dont care what y'all say, i love her, i know i just finished with sam but i love janessa, and a lot, shes wonderful, and she likes me back as well, i also have a good feeling about this as well, the sort of felling it will work out for the long run and maybe longer, i probably shouldn't have put it here but i had to do something i couldn't keep it bottled up, just to confirm: I LOVE JANESSA. sorry but i do, anyway, im great today, i dont think of sam anymore and and im really happy, right now, stuff is going right for me and at last myt life might be turning around, well im off now cya later bye."

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