Friday, July 01, 2005

Friday's Feast

Feast Fifty-Four - Friday, July 01, 2005

Appetizer - Where do you plan to go on vacation this year, or where would you want to go?

I'm kinda all vacationed out, thanks. Went to Williamsburg, VA, Busch Gardens, Washington DC and Universal Studios Orlando/Islands of Adventure all in the past month.

Soup - What color is your bedroom? If you could redecorate it, what would you change?

Kind of off-white...I don't know - I rarely pay much attention. If I could redecorate, I'd redo our bathroom that's just off the bedroom and add a much larger tub so I could actually fit without my legs hanging over the side...

Salad - Do you have a bumper sticker on your vehicle? What does it say?

Nope.. But I used to have a personalized license plate that said....well, you'll have to guess. Michael might remember, though.

Main Course - What's the worst pain you've ever been in?

Probably the time I was stung by a jellyfish when I was 11 or 12. That and a time when I was practicing baseball in the early, early spring and it was so cold my hands literally felt like they were on fire with early "frostbite".

Dessert - Who is your favorite celebrity? What do they do that inspires you?

I don't really have any favorite celebrities, though I do wish I could have time to meet and chat with George Lucas one on one - not just to talk about Star Wars but movie-making, creativity, story-telling and myths in general. I think it would be fascinating to hear what he has to say. In fact, to speak with him and Steven Spielberg at the same time...

Interestingly, I watched part of the AFI tribute to George Lucas a couple weeks ago, and Steven was sitting right next to George in the audience. I got to see Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford speak and crack (well-meaning) jokes at George's expense. Every time they said something amusing and occasionally cutting the camera would cut to Lucas' reaction, and every time he laughed he would look over at Spielberg. I thought it was interesting that he shared ever laugh with Steven, and almost was looking for approval or something...not sure what. But every time he laughed he looked over at Spielberg. Odd.

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