Tuesday, January 21, 2003

Prayer Request

My dad took my mom to the ER last night with Atrial Fibrillation - basically an accelerated heart rate and high blood pressure. Got a call from her this morning that things were better and they're raising her potassium levels to normal. Hopefully she'll get to go home tomorrow. Please keep her and my dad in your prayers. Much thanks.

UPDATE: She's doing better - still in the hospital at least one more night (Tuesday night). Heart rate down, blood pressure still wavering. On medication, etc. My dad went through something similar about 2 years ago and had to spend 5 days in the hospital getting it calmed down. Plus he's had a little of the same thing lately, so we're hoping they don't have to go through it at the same time. Check your blood pressure, folks, and don't play around with cardiovascular health. I've got the odds stacked against me as it is, hereditarilly speaking.... Thanks for the responses.

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