Monday, August 09, 2004

Random Musings of the Day

  • True Happiness:

    Me: So, do you know where you get to go on Thursday?

    Gigglegirl: To Grandma and Grandads!!! (my parents)

    Me: And spend the night, and where do you get to spend the night Friday night?

    Gigglegirl: Grandma and Grandads!!! (getting more excited)

    Me: Yep. And THEN! And THEN, on Saturday, you know where you get to go and spend the night and part of Sunday?

    Gigglegirl: (thinks for a moment) Mimi and Pop's!!! (my wife's parents)

    Me: Uh, huh. And THEN!! (I get real close to her face) Do YOU know where you're going on Monday for the first time??

    Gigglegirl: (ponders for a second, then eyes light up, and she squeals, jumping up and down) KINDERGARTEN!!!!!!!!

    That, my friends, is happiness.

  • Goldschlagergate!

  • Several hours later, I saw another fire engine near the airport - this time, fortunately, headed away. Well, unfortunately for those it was actually responding to, but you know...

  • Is it also any less masculine of me to admit I tried out on of those home-dance PlayStation game things last night. We had dinner at the home of some friends of ours, and they have a 14-year-old daughter. She showed us how it works, and of course I had to show them how it was really done. All 6'2" of me.

  • Is it any less masculine of me to say I really enjoyed splurging on new clotheses for my 20th High School Reunion this weekend? New suit, pants, shirt, sport coat...

  • It's never fun to see a fire engine, lights and sirens blazing, headed toward the airport.

  • The Super-Exciting Season Finale to THE 4400!!!


UPDATE: For Leslie - see link to Playstation game above.

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