*Damn* did it again...
UPDATE: Here's Vickie's contribution to the cause:
"In a statement, CBS said former Texas Guard official Bill Burkett "has acknowledged that he provided the now-disputed documents" and "admits that he deliberately misled the CBS News producer working on the report, giving her a false account of the documents' origins to protect a promise of confidentiality to the actual source."And Rather begs your pardon...
"For months, disclosures and sanctions against the hospital have been mounting. Several times, the federal government has threatened to cut off funding for lapses, including giving the wrong patients potentially toxic medications and using stun guns on mental patients.
They also have found that neglect by King/Drew's staff contributed to the death of at least five patients last year."
...but also dissects Roy Disney and Stanley Gold's counter-letter to the same Board of Directors on which they used to serve...[EISNER:] "As to our current performance, we are and should be proud of how we have managed and strengthened the Company during difficult times...I have been told by you, by friends, but mostly by outside observers, that it is quite extraordinary that we have been able to remain focused on our objectives and have managed to run the Company so well amidst the distractions that have taken huge chunks of time during the past several years.[YEE:] What distractions? I'll assume he doesn't mean 9/11 or the recession which followed. Those aren't distractions... those are the things a CEO of a major multinational is supposedly paid big bucks to strategize about. I wonder if maybe the "distractions" are the dissident shareholders out for Eisner's head? The mobilized fan movement trying to oust the Big Cheese himself?"
Finally, the gauntlet is thrown down:[DISNEY/GOLD:] "While Mr. Eisner's announcement at first blush looks like a major change, it is in truth mere window dressing. What he has really proposed is a scheme to arrogate the authority of the Board and maintain the status quo at the Company's expense.[YEE:] Again, Save Disney puts the burden squarely onto the backs of the Directors. In essence, Save Disney is backing off the calls for Eisner's head, and now focusing only on the Directors. Should they remain in Eisner's pocket, Roy and Stanley will attack them instead.
Press accounts suggest that Mr. Eisner intends to ask you to install him as chairman after he relinquishes the CEO title. In other words, his "succession plan" is for a company led by Michael Eisner and his obedient lieutenant, Bob Iger, to be handed over to . . . Michael Eisner and Bob Iger. Do you really think that this result will be tolerated by stockholders or will satisfy anyone that you have carried out your responsibilities? Any arrangement that permits Mr. Eisner to remain as Chairman after relinquishing his position as CEO is contrary to best governance practices. Disney stockholders deserve exemplary governance from their directors."
"[DISNEY/GOLD:] We intend to make it clear - to our fellow stockholders, to Disney Cast Members and to other Disney constituencies - that we will strongly support Directors who want to move Disney forward by requiring Mr. Eisner to leave as CEO and as a Director no later than the 2005 Annual Meeting and who are committed to the Board conducting an immediate search for a new CEO. By the same token, we will oppose with unrelenting vigor Directors who continue to support drift, delay, and decay. Should the Board not take the actions proposed above - immediately engaging an independent executive recruiting firm to conduct a worldwide search for a talented CEO and concurrently announcing that Michael Eisner will leave the Company at the conclusion of that search - we intend to take our case directly to our fellow stockholders and propose an alternate slate of directors committed to moving the Company forward aggressively.[YEE:] There is it. The cards are on the table. If they don't see positive results, Roy and Stanley are threatening to do what has long been rumored: try to take over the Disney Board of Directors by a general election from the actual owners of the company, the shareholders. Not coincidentally, this same election, if successful for Roy and Stanley, would take away the jobs from the current Directors. Thus, those Directors now have personal motivation to finally DO something.
'A car bomb Tuesday ripped through a busy market near a Baghdad police headquarters where Iraqis were waiting to apply for jobs on the force, and gunmen opened fire on a van carrying police home from work in Baquoba, killing at least 59 people total and wounding at least 114.'Another terrible example of Iraqis killing their own people, and another example of how the citizenry seem to concontinue to refuse to help drive these terrorists out of their own midsts.
'Angry crowds of young men pumped their fists in the air and denounced President Bush and interim Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad Allawi, saying the had failed to protect Iraqis. "Bush is a dog," they chanted.'Yeah, right, ok. Yes, it's our fault we didn't protect you enough. You bloody cowards. We're the ones who've lost 1000 of our own soldiers not protecting you enough. Take charge of your own lives and get rid of al-Sadr and al-Zawahiri yourselves. You've lived in fear of Saddam Hussein and his sons and secret police for thirty years - I understand the light is bright, and it takes time to learn again how to stand on your own two feet. But prove to us the story of how tough you are and stand up for yourselves against the people who are trying to take your freedom away from you again!!
"another guest stormed in. "PROFANITY!" she screamed, when she saw that all the treadmills were filled, "This is utter PROFANITY PROFANITY. This is the worst kind of PROFANITY mess I've ever seen!" She stood in front of us, muscles beautifully cut, wearing the face she certainly deserved, and pursed her lips, clearly challenging one of us to surrender the equipment. When we didn't, she leaped on to an exercise bike, with a 15-pound dumbbell in each hand and began pedaling wildly, pumping the dumbbells as she muttered, "I can't believe this PROFANITY!"This is one of the great black pits of today's society, and indeed of the blogosphere in particular.
A week before that, I bought a pair of relatively inexpensive shoes on sale. I'd tried on a size too small, so the seller came back with the right size in a box. When I got into the car, I discovered one of the shoes had no heel, which I pointed out when I came back in. "No returns on sales," the woman said. She was on the telephone, "Wait a minute," she told the caller (it was like a parody), "I have to deal with some lady."
"I don't want to return them; I just want the ones with heels."
"You bought those," she said, "If you wanted to make sure they both had heels, you should have checked before you walked out of the store."
Apparently, we are now not just allowed to practice rudeness, but we are expected to tolerate it. The swearing health club lady was "just a Californian," someone explained to us. The abusive builder was a great customer."
'It's because of the widespread attitude that "I can do whatever I want". That includes throwing temper tantrums. Morality and community standards went out the window when youth rebelled against 'the best generation' in the late sixties and early seventies.'How much longer do we have to accept the sins of the sixties hanging over our heads?
"Michael Eisner, who led the Walt Disney Co. to huge success in the 1980s but more recently clashed with dissident stockholders including the founder's family, said in an interview published Friday that he will leave the company in 2006 when his contract expires."
"Eisner recently told Walt Disney directors that company president Robert Iger would be a good successor, the Los Angeles Times reported. Iger, whose contract expires in September 2005, has recently met with investors and executives and told the Times he would like the top job."Iger is and was the head of ABC, and has not done a good job bringing that network around. Why Eisner, and more importantly Wall Street, would think he'd be the man to run the Walt Disney Company defies explanation. Iger may be a good guy, and maybe he'd do a good job but he will put business ahead of creativity - which is exactly what the WDC does not need.
"A radio signal picked up by a search for extraterrestrial intelligence marks the best candidate yet for "first contact" by aliens.Ok, Vulcans, if you're out there listening to us - we need you. Land here. Now. Don't wait for Zephram Cochrane to invent the warp drive out of an old nuclear missle left over from World War III...
It is unlikely to be the result of any obvious radio interference or noise, and does not bear the hallmark of any known astronomical object.
However, a physical message stays where it lands. As for the form of alien messages, he speculates that it could be anything from text in a real language to, more likely, organic material embedded in an asteroid or in a crater."
"I felt most elected officials wanted to know what their constituents think and how they feel, so I wrote a letter which I sent to all 17 county commissioners," says Shirlee Grabko, Union County taxpayer.Yes, this from an elected county official in Union County, just one county to the north of Knoxville.
Shirlee Grabko was thrilled when one actually responded to her concerns, until she opened the envelope.
'You need to take you letter and wipe you ass with it," Shirlee reads the letter she received from County Commissioner Charlie Cox.'
"Mr. Cox isn't exactly a model citizen here in Union County, these delinquent tax receipts go back 16 years. We did the math, he owes more than $12,000.Load up the repo men, boys. If anyone deserved to be in trouble it's this loser.
'I've got my taxes paid, I paid 'em this morning, they're paid as far as that's concerned,' snaps Cox.
'They are still unpaid,' says Doris Seymour, Union County Clerk & Master.
After our visit this morning, Union County's Clerk and Master reported Charlie Cox showed up this afternoon, he paid off two thousand dollars of his back taxes but still owes about $10,000.
The county is threatening to take his business and home if Cox doesn't pay up."
"'I'm a citizen, I'm a taxpayer and a volunteer to this county,' says Shirlee, 'eventually, I'd like to see people like this off the commission.'Assuming Union County has similar rules to Knoxville or Knox County, she might look into a recall vote. That would get him out very quickly. Ms. Grabko seemed, on camera, to be a very intelligent and capable person that could lead something like that.
She'll have to wait at least two years, that's the next time Charlie Cox is up for re-election."